There is a nice and simple way to upgrade your usual massage treatments, try out a hot oil massage! For both experienced and less experienced clients a hot oil massage is a true gift to your body and mind. This is the ultimate relaxing treatment that is easy to perform at just about any location. A hot oil massage can also be booked in your hotel room for example, since our Hong Kong masseuses are able to bring all the required materials for a professional and soothing massage.
Our massage therapists will bring different kinds of massage oils to the appointment to make sure they brought a kind that suits your needs and preferences. Clients with sensitive skin for example might require a different kind of massage oil then clients who are fond of stronger scented massage oils. Different scents and herbs are being used to accomplish certain effects. Some scents are more relaxing while other scents will connect with your emotions or sensual inner self. If you would have any special requests, please don’t hesitate to communicate this while booking your appointment to make sure our masseuse is able to provide the best massage treatment possible.
During a hot oil massage different massage techniques can be used. Depending on your personal preferences, needs, massage experience and current bodily issues you and the masseuse will decide on the techniques that will be used. Our therapists are experienced in using several techniques. For a more relaxing treatment Swedish techniques or Shiatsu massage techniques can be used, if you have recurring muscle aches Thai massage or Deep tissue massage might be nice techniques to incorporate in the massage treatment. A hot oil massage can also be performed to enhance your sensual and sexual feelings or during a partner massage to bring you and your lover closer on different levels. Depending on your preferences and requests our masseuses are able to come up with a specialized and individualized treatment that will address the current mental and physical health issues that require extra attention. By using scented oils the room in which the massage is performed will feel more relaxed, comforting and personal. Obviously the hot oil will make it easier for your muscles to relax due to the higher temperature and the oil will enhance a smooth and easy flow for the masseuse to perform the requested techniques. Her hands will slide easier over your body using these nice hot oils.
A hot oil massage is a great way to relax your body and mind. Both the massage itself and the scented oils will enhance this relaxing feeling that will leave you revived and energized after the treatment. Next to that this type of massage therapy is very well suited for treating muscle aches, tired muscles, tense muscles, stress related issues and overall tiredness. Because of the temperature, scent and massage technique the body and mind are forced to undergo the treatment and have any negativity, stress, tiredness and energy blocks be massages out of you. Especially when combining this massage with scented oils you will increase the health benefits of the treatment by incorporating aromatherapy. This will leave you completely relaxed and can create a trance-like feeling during the treatment. Due to this unique combination of aromatherapy, increased temperature to treat the body and incorporating different massage techniques, this treatment is specifically suited to treat health issues that most of us cope with: stress and tiredness. If you are looking for a nice massage therapy to treat yourself and/or your partner, a hot oil massage might just be the massage you are looking for.